What are the different types of IQ tests?

here are many types of IQ tests being taken around the globe with a mutual aim, to measure the intelligence of a person. While they all aim to measure the same thing, the methods differ. Let’s get to know more about these tests in detail:

  1. The Stanford-Binet test
  2. WAIS - The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
  3. Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ IV)
  4. Raven’s Progressive Matrices

What is the stanford-binet test?

The Stanford-Binet test is the first ever IQ test. This IQ test involves measuring the intelligence of a person based on 5 factors:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Quantitative reasoning
  3. Fluid reasoning
  4. Working memory
  5. Spatial-visual processing

Once all these factors are tested, the weightage of each individual depart is measured and combined together to give a final outcome, that is, the IQ score.This test is one of the most dependable and reliable IQ tests since it is the first ever test introduced and has gone through many revisions.

What is the wais (Wechsler adult intelligence scale)?

This IQ test was designed by David Wechsler in 1955 who thought that the Stanford-Binet IQ test had limitations to measure intelligence.According to him, the Stanford-Binet test was designed for children only and was not suitable for adults. This is why he came up with his own test.The Binet test was more like a self test in the early days because the result was determined by dividing the mental age of the person with their chronological age. Oh the other hand, the WAIS test involved comparing the test score among people of same age. Later on, the modern Binet test also adopted this way of determining results.Five factors that are being tested on this test:

  1. Visual-spatial Processing : recognition of both patterns and spatial relationships and the ability to recognize the whole from its constituent parts.
  2. Knowledge : someone’s accumulated stock of general information that has been committed to long-term memory.
  3. Working Memory : the multiple processes that capture, sort and transform information in a person’s short-term memory.
  4. Quantitative Reasoning : a person’s numeracy.
  5. Fluid Reasoning : the ability to solve problems in which no prior knowledge is require.

Woodcock-johnson tests of cognitive abilities (WJ IV)

Designed by Richard Woodcock and Mary E. Bonner Johnson, these tests are meant to be for people of all age groups, including children as young as two years.In these tests, 7 mental capabilities are tested including:

  1. Fluid intelligence : Quantitative Reasoning, Induction, General Sequential Reasoning
  2. Spatial-visual intelligence : Mental rotation, Visualization, Spatial relations, Visual memory
  3. Short term memory : Working Memory, Memory span
  4. Auditory processing : Phonetic coding, Word fluency
  5. Processing speed : Perceptual speed
  6. Long term retrieval : Ideational Fluency, Associative memory
  7. Crystallized intelligence : General Information, Listening Ability, Language Development & Lexical Knowledge

What are the Raven’s progressive matrices?

Mainly used in educational settings, this IQ test was developed in 1936 by John C. Raven. It is concerned with assessing cognitive abilities of an individual and is a non-verbal test usually taken in groups.The test is perfect for people aged 5 or more and consists of 60 questions arranged specifically. The arrangement of questions is also used to judge a person’s skills.In this test, questions are arranged in a matrix (2x2, 3x3, 4x4 or 6x6) each having different images with one image missing. The respondents are required to identify the missing factor.

The factors tested in this test are

  1. Clear-thinking
  2. Advanced observation
  3. Problem solving
  4. Learning ability
  5. Abstract reasoning